Breathwork Exercise Videos
The Breathwork exercise videos below will help you become aware of how you breathe, slow down your breathing, and start to become aware of using your ribs and diaphragm as a way to start breathing deep.
We don’t give our breath much thought as we think of it as an involuntary action. And our breath is so much more powerful than most of us realize. I often have people ask me when I tell them I teach people how to breathe – “Why do I need to learn to Breathe?”
The way we breath has a huge impact on our health and wellbeing.
I’ve included several easy Breathwork exercises in the videos below to help you start to notice how you breath.
When using our breath as tool to assist us in reprograming our breathing, we can become focused, calm, centered, energized, present and so many more benefits.
When we are caught in dysfunctional breathing patterns, it can keep us in a state of overwhelm, stress, overthinking, and possible health challenges.
Check out the Breathwork exercises videos below and contact me if you have any questions. Feel free to share below how you feel after trying these Breathwork exercises.
Notice how you breathe throughout the day.
Do you breathe:
- light or heavy?
- slow or fast?
- deep or shallow?
- or all of the above
Breathing light, slow and deep has so many benefits for our body, mind and energy.
The optimal pattern of breathing is 6 breaths per minute which is a cadence of a 5 second inhale and a 5 second exhale. Most people breathe at a much faster rate. Notice your breathing pattern and try to slow down your breathing until you are comfortable with a 5 second inhale and exhale.
This practice is from the Oxygen Advantage® training and also suggested by HeartMath.
Notice what you do when I ask you to take a deep breath. Do you breathe vertical and use your chest and shoulders to breath mainly in your upper chest? Or do your breathe horizontal, using your ribs and diaphragm and breathing deep into your lungs? Using this practice will help you start using your ribs and activating your diaphragm to breathe deep.
This practice is from the Oxygen Advantage® training.
When we hold our breath as a practice, it can assist us in interrupting our mind and thoughts and reset our nervous system.
Follow the video above to practice this exercise. If you feel too much air hunger (shortness of breath), breathe normal until your breathing becomes calm and practice again. This practice is from the Oxygen Advantage® training.
Oxygen Advantage® Breathwork Training Programs
Breathwork for Health and Wellness Series (Functional Breathwork) – 6 Class Series
$160 for 6 class series (1 hour each class)
Manual Included
Contact me for class schedule or to set up a class for your group.
We have an amazing tool that is with us 24/7. And most of us have never been taught how to use it, it’s our breathing. It has incredible health benefits when we learn how to use it.
Do you breathe through your mouth? Do you breathe shallow into your chest? Do you hold your breath doing simple tasks? Do you get breathless doing simple things? Do you have trouble sleeping?
These are typically signs of dysfunctional breathing.
Learn simple, scientifically proven breathing techniques to help you:
- Improve your sleep, focus and concentration
- Eliminate asthma symptoms
- Reduce stress, anxiety and overwhelm
- Lose weight easily and maintain the weight loss
- Boost Mental and Physical Performance
- Improve Posture
I’ve included several easy Breathwork exercise videos above to help you start to notice how you breath.
The Oxygen Advantage® techniques are easily integrated into daily life and brings additional benefits even if you are already fit and healthy.
If you are ready to take the next step in your health and well being, come and join us for one of our breathwork series.
Breathwork for the Everyday Athlete – 6 Class Series
To schedule a class or to set up a class for your group, contact me here.
6 class series for $160 (1 hour each class) and includes a manual
Learn simple, scientifically proven breathing techniques to help you:
- Maximize the benefits of any fitness program
- Simulate high-altitude training for heightened athletic performance
- Improve your sleep, focus and concentration
- Reduce injury risk
- Recover Quicker
- Strengthen core muscles
Are you a runner, biker, swimmer or all of the above and would you like to take your performance to the next level? Or are you training for a 5K, 10K, half marathon or full marathon and would like to breathe better, improve your performance and be more resilient?
In this training we use simple and effective techniques that are scientifically researched and supported by proven improvements in performance by others like you.
I’ve included several Breathwork exercise videos above that we will use in this class to help you start to notice how you breath.
The Oxygen Advantage® techniques can be easily integrated into your training routine and brings additional benefits even if you are already fit and healthy.
If you are ready to take the next step in your athletic performance, come and join us.
Possible Benefits of Breathwork:
- Release of toxins, stagnant energy and other physical dis-ease symptoms while increasing energy and vitality
- Allow old emotions, memories and past traumas to arise and release in a safe and gentle way
- Increases flow, ease, joy and pleasure in life and relationships
- Access expanded states of consciousness, including higher guidance and clarity around life path and purpose
Breathwork may help improve a wide range of issues including:
- feelings of anger and resentment
- anxiety and overwhelm
- chronic pain
- depression and grief
- emotional aspects of illness
- trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder
There is no single more powerful practice to further your health and well-being than Conscious Breathwork.
~ Dr. Andrew Weil
A typical class enhances breath awareness, where the breath flows and is felt in the body, thus bringing greater appreciation of where and how to breathe. We demonstrate breathing techniques and stretches to help open the body to receive the breath. All of this is synthesized so you know how and when to use these tools in your daily life.
Check out the Breathwork Exercise videos above for a sample of what we will be doing in our Breathwork classes.
To schedule a Breathwork class/group event specifically for your company, community, or private event contact me to discuss the possibilities.
Breathwork is not advised for persons with severe mental illness or seizure disorders or for persons using major medications. It is also unsuitable for anyone with a personal or family history of aneurysms. Pregnant women are advised against practicing Breathwork without first consulting and getting approval from their primary care physician. Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their primary care physician and the Breathwork class facilitator.
The information provided in this program is not offered as medical or psychological advice and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication. Always seek the advice of a physician or qualified health care professional regarding any mental, physical, or emotional conditions.
My comment after my first session with Pam: “Wow that’s better than drugs!” My comment after my last training: “Wow that’s better than drugs!”
Pam is awesome!! I highly recommend her!
What I learned from Pam during each week session was how important breath
is. How it affects our body and clarity for our minds. The out breath is
more important than the intake breath.I learned to breath in through
different parts of my organs from stomach, heart and mind as well as my
lungs. During my breath sessions I have traveled through dimensions of
clarity and direction for my life.